Dog Names By City >> Cairo Dog Names

Cairo Dog Names

Updated: May 16, 2024

Welcome to our curated selection of unique and meaningful names for your canine companion, inspired by the rich culture and history of Cairo, Egypt's sprawling capital. Known for its ancient landmarks and a rich tapestry of stories that span centuries, Cairo offers a wealth of inspiration for those seeking a distinctive and meaningful name for their new furry friend.

The city's vibrant history, diverse cultures, and iconic landmarks provide a vast array of unique and memorable names. From names inspired by the mighty Nile to those reflecting the city's ancient history, there's something for every dog owner seeking a touch of Egyptian allure. This page is dedicated to offering you a variety of dog names that hark back to Cairo's charm and mystique.

Whether you are a history enthusiast, a lover of unique names, or simply wish to give your dog a name that stands out, this collection will serve as a helpful guide. As you explore, you'll find that each name carries a little piece of Cairo's spirit and legacy, making it a special moniker for your beloved pet.

Name Reason to Choose
Abu A common prefix in Egyptian names, symbolizing respect and familiarity
Adel This Arabic name means 'righteous'
Akil It's an Arabic name meaning intelligent
Alexandria After the city founded by Alexander the Great on Egypt’s Mediterranean coastline
Ali A common name in Arabic-speaking countries, it means 'exalted'
Amin This Arabic name means 'faithful' or 'trustworthy'
Amir In Arabic, it means 'prince'
Amun Derived from the ancient Egyptian god of creation
Anubis Derived from the jackal-headed god of the afterlife in ancient Egyptian religion
Arak A nod to the anise-flavored spirit commonly consumed in the Middle East
Ashraf In Arabic, it means 'most honorable'
Aswan Derived from a city in the south of Egypt
Atef In Arabic, it means 'compassionate'
Aziz This Arabic name means 'powerful' or 'respected'
Bakr It means young camel in Arabic, a common sight in Egypt
Bastet From the ancient Egyptian goddess who was depicted as a lioness
Bazaar Reminiscent of the bustling marketplaces found throughout Cairo
Bulbul A nod to the common bird found in Egypt
Cleopatra Named after the famous queen of Egypt
Dabke Named after a popular folk dance in the Middle East
Dahab Inspired by the popular tourist city in Egypt
Dervish Inspired by the whirling dervishes, a traditional form of Sufi dance
Emad This Arabic name means 'pillar' or 'support'
Fahd In Arabic, it means 'panther' or 'leopard'
Faisal In Arabic, it means decisive
Falafel A tribute to the famous Middle Eastern dish
Farouk It means one who distinguishes truth from falsehood in Arabic
Fayoum Named after an oasis and province in Egypt
Felucca Named after the traditional wooden sailing boat used in the Eastern Mediterranean
Gazelle A nod to the graceful animals found in Africa
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Famous Egyptian Figures

Naming a dog after a famous figure from Egypt's history or present could show admiration for the individual and the culture of Cairo
Name Description
Akhenaten A name inspired by the pharaoh who was known for his religious revolution
Amenhotep It's the name of several Egyptian pharaohs, signifying the 'peace of Amon'
Anubis It's inspired by the god associated with mummification and afterlife
Aten The name of the disk of the sun in ancient Egyptian mythology
Bastet Inspired by the goddess of home, fertility, and protector of the pharaoh
Cleopatra Named after the famous Egyptian queen, known for her beauty and intelligence
Hathor A name that recalls the goddess of joy, feminine love, and motherhood
Hatshepsut A female pharaoh's name, known for her successful reign
Horus A name that evokes the sky god who was often depicted as a falcon
Isis The name of the goddess of magic and life in ancient Egyptian mythology
Khafre This name is a nod to the pharaoh who is thought to have built the second largest pyramid of Giza
Khufu The name of the pharaoh who built the Great Pyramid of Giza
Menkaure A name that pays homage to the pharaoh who built the smallest of the three Pyramids of Giza
Merneptah Inspired by the pharaoh who reigned for a decade
Nefertiti This name is a tribute to the iconic queen and her timeless beauty
Osiris Reminiscent of the god of the afterlife in ancient Egyptian mythology
Ptah Named after the god of craftsmen and architects in ancient Egyptian religion
Ra A name that signifies the sun god in ancient Egyptian mythology
Ramses This name is inspired by Ramses II, one of Egypt's most powerful pharaohs
Sekhmet The ancient Egyptian goddess of war and healing
Seti A name that echoes the pharaohs known for their military strength
Sphinx The name of the mythical creature that is half lion, half human
Thoth The name of the god of wisdom and writing in ancient Egyptian mythology
Thutmose It's the name of several pharaohs, meaning 'Born of Thoth'
Tutankhamun A name that calls to mind the young pharaoh whose tomb was filled with treasures

Egyptian Nile River

The Nile River is one of the most significant landmarks in Egypt and names related to it could signify the life-giving and nurturing nature of a dog
Name Description
Amun An important god in ancient Egyptian mythology
Anubis In ancient Egyptian mythology, he's the god of death
Aswan Named after a city in Egypt on the eastern bank of the Nile
Bastet The ancient Egyptian goddess of home, fertility, and childbirth
Cleopatra After the last active ruler of the Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt
Delta Refers to the Nile Delta
Giza Named after the city that houses the Great Pyramids
Horus The sky god in ancient Egyptian mythology
Isis The Egyptian goddess of motherhood and magic
Karnak A vast temple complex near Luxor in Egypt
Khufu The name of a pharaoh who ruled in the 26th century BC
Luxor A city on the east bank of the Nile River in Egypt
Nefertiti Chosen after the famous Egyptian queen
Nile Directly represents the famous Egyptian river
Osiris Named after the Egyptian god of the underworld
Papyrus A plant that was very important in ancient Egypt
Pharaoh Symbolizes the rulers of ancient Egypt
Pyramid Signifies Egypt's iconic architectural wonders
Ra The ancient Egyptian sun god
Ramses Signifying the powerful pharaoh of Egypt
Sahara Indicative of the vast desert of Egypt
Sakkara An ancient burial ground in Egypt
Seth The god of chaos in ancient Egyptian mythology
Sphinx Depicts a mythical creature of ancient Egypt
Thoth The ancient Egyptian god of writing and knowledge

Egyptian Gods and Goddesses

Egyptian mythology is full of powerful and fascinating gods and goddesses, which would make great names for a strong and noble dog
Name Description
Amun Amun is the king of the gods and god of the wind, a strong name for a strong dog
Anubis This is the name of the Egyptian god associated with mummification and the afterlife
Anuket Anuket, the goddess of the Nile river, could be a fitting name for a dog that loves water
Aten If your dog is the center of your world, Aten, the disk of the sun, would be a fitting name
Bastet Though Bastet is a cat goddess, her protective nature makes her name suitable for a loyal dog
Bes Bes, the dwarf god, protected households, mothers and children, making it a great name for a protective dog
Geb Geb, the god of the Earth, is a great name for a down-to-earth dog
Hathor Hathor, the cow goddess, represented love, beauty, and music
Horus Horus is the falcon-headed god, symbolizing the sky, war, and protection
Isis Isis was a protective goddess who used magic to help people in need
Khepri Khepri, the god of creation, is a great name for a dog that brings joy and creativity to your life
Khonsu The god of the moon, Khonsu, is a fitting name for a calm and serene dog
Maat If your dog is a symbol of harmony and truth for you, Maat would be a fitting name
Mafdet Mafdet was the goddess of justice and execution, a unique name for a dog
Min Min was the god of fertility and lettuce, a quirky name for a dog
Nephthys Nephthys was a protective goddess of the dead, a unique name for a dog
Nut Nut was the goddess of the sky and all heavenly bodies
Osiris Osiris is known as the god of the underworld and rebirth, making it a unique name
Ptah Ptah, god of craftsmen, could be a great name for a dog with a meticulous nature
Ra Ra, the sun god, could be a fitting name for a dog that shines brightness into your life
Sekhmet This goddess of war and healing is a great name for a strong and caring dog
Seth Seth was the god of chaos, deserts, storms, and foreigners in ancient Egyptian culture
Sobek As the god of crocodiles and power, Sobek is a unique name for a powerful dog
Taweret Taweret, the goddess of childbirth and fertility, is a unique name for a female dog
Thoth Thoth, the god of writing and knowledge, could be a perfect name for a smart dog

Famous Egyptian Landmarks

Naming a dog after famous landmarks in Egypt could be a fun and unique way to pay tribute to the city of Cairo
Name Description
Abydos An important archaeological site that was a major royal necropolis in ancient Egypt
Alexandria A city named after Alexander the Great, known for its ancient library
Amarna An extensive Egyptian archaeological site representing the capital city established by the Pharaoh Akhenaten
Anubis After the god with a jackal head associated with mummification and the afterlife in ancient Egyptian religion
Aswan A city on the Nile with a rich archaeological heritage
Cleopatra The last active ruler of the Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, her beauty and charm are legendary
Dahshur This royal necropolis showcases some of the earliest pyramids
Dendera One of the best-preserved temple complexes in Egypt
Edfu Home to the Temple of Horus, one of the best-preserved shrines in Egypt
Giza The site of the most iconic pyramids and a testament to the architectural prowess of the ancient Egyptians
Hathor The deity of music, dance, and fertility; she had her own temple at Dendera
Heliopolis Once one of the largest cities of ancient Egypt, known for its sun temple
Horus The ancient god of the sky, often depicted as a falcon
Karnak An ancient temple complex in Luxor, one of the largest religious buildings ever constructed
Komombo Known for its unusual double temple built during the Ptolemaic dynasty
Luxor A city on the east bank of the Nile that was once the ancient city of Thebes
Memphis An ancient capital of Egypt, rich in history and culture
Nefertiti Named after the famous queen known for her beauty and power
Nile Named after the life-giving river that flows through Egypt
Osiris Named after the god of the underworld and judge of the dead
Philae An island in the Nile River, home to an ancient temple complex
Rosetta The Rosetta Stone, a crucial key to deciphering hieroglyphics, was found here
Saqqara Home to the step pyramid, the oldest colossal stone building and earliest large-scale cut-stone construction
Sphinx This iconic monument with a lion's body and human head is a symbol of ancient Egypt
Thebes An ancient city that was the capital of Egypt during part of the Middle and New Kingdom periods

Egyptian Pharaohs

Cairo is the capital of Egypt and naming a dog after an Egyptian Pharaoh would reflect the rich history and culture of the country
Name Description
Ahmose After Ahmose I, who completed the expulsion of the Hyksos from Egypt
Akhenaten To commemorate the pharaoh known for a religious revolution
Amenhotep After Amenhotep III, known for his opulent buildings
Ankhesenamun To recall the queen and wife of Tutankhamun
Ay In honor of the pharaoh who succeeded Tutankhamun
Cleopatra Named after the last active ruler of the Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt
Djoser To remember the pharaoh who commissioned the Step Pyramid
Hatshepsut In remembrance of the second historically confirmed female pharaoh
Khafre As a tribute to the pharaoh whose likeness is the Great Sphinx
Khufu After the ancient pharaoh who commissioned the Great Pyramid of Giza
Menkaure After the pharaoh known for the smallest of the three Pyramids of Giza
Merneptah To honor the pharaoh who defeated the Sea Peoples
Narmer In remembrance of the first pharaoh of unified Egypt
Nefertiti To pay tribute to the Great Royal Wife of Akhenaten
Pepi To honor Pepi II, who had the longest reign in history
Psusennes After Psusennes I, known for his silver burial mask
Ramses Homage to Ramses the Great, one of Egypt's most effective pharaohs
Senusret After Senusret I, known for his artistic and architectural innovations
Seti Inspired by Seti I, known for his military campaigns
Siptah In honor of the pharaoh with a mysterious early death
Snefru To pay tribute to the pharaoh known for his pyramid building
Taharqa In remembrance of the pharaoh who resisted Assyrian conquest
Thutmose After Thutmose III who is often regarded as the greatest pharaoh
Tiye In honor of the matriarch of the Amarna Family
Tutankhamun In honor of the youngest pharaoh who ruled Egypt
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